# 08-11-2020 Hello. I think everyone should have own website. Decentralized internet should be come back. So I've made this website for myself first. My ideal is a gopher site. I will use plain text mainly. I wil l align each line 66 characters maximum. I will use html for index only. html sucks so much. I'm studying mathematics in university. So I may post some mat h topics. But it would not be the main theme of this site. In math , I prefer algebra than analysis. I sometimes enjoy topology too. Geometry is not in my interest, but algebraic geometry is ok. I'm interested in Ted Kaczynski. He is really a genius. I have first met The Unabomber Manifesto in 2018. I was skeptic at that t ime. But as time goes on, I've realized he is right. I also read o ther relatives, like Jacques Ellul, Pentti Linkola, etc. I believe the anti-tech revolution should come. That's all. Since this is the first post, I'm going to make it short. I will write other topics after. So see you.